camera move artinya
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- They may see the camera move.
Mereka bisa melihat kameranya bergerak. - Middle camera, moving north. There.
Kamera tengah, bergerak ke utara. - DJI Osmo Mobile Tutorial - Cinematic camera moves
DJI Osmo Mobile – Beyond Smart – DJI - When connected to a wireless security camera, a triggered motion detector makes the camera move in the direction of the infrared heat, immediately capturing images of who or what has entered the room.
Ketika terhubung ke kamera keamanan nirkabel, detektor gerakan dipicu membuat kamera bergerak ke arah panas inframerah, segera menangkap gambar dari siapa atau apa yang telah memasuki ruangan. - As Variety magazine stated, "... The choice for Blue's Clues became to tell one story, beginning to end, camera moving left-to-right like reading a storybook, transitions from scene to scene as obvious as the turning of a page."
Majalah Variety berkata, "... Pilihan untuk Blue's Clues menjadi pengisahan satu cerita, dari awal sampai akhir, kamera bergerak kiri ke kanan seperti membaca buku cerita, transisi dari adegan ke adegan seperti membalikkan sebuah laman."